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Lyson Inks - Dedicated Monochrome Ink Sets

In recent times monochrome prints have been very popular. Lyson create a few different ink formulations that take advantage of the capabilities of modern desktop printers and allow the photographer to create truly stunning black and white prints.

Lyson Inks Epson 1400 Printer

The method which Lyson ink use to create stunning MonoChrome prints is a simple idea and one which circumnavigates the issue of creating monochrome prints with totally neutrality and free from any colour contamination. The colour cartridges are replaced with different shades of grey, each shade having a different intensity of black. The result is that your monochrome prints ends up having very smooth tonalities, great detail in the highlights, shadows and midtones and with no colour cast.

Dedicated Monochrome Epson 1400 ยป

MonoChrome Printing - Which ink set ?

Lyson produce a range of inks that are dedicated to the re-production of MonoChrome photographic images, when used in conjunction with a printer profile the results and quality are nothing short of amazing, however new users are often confused over which range of MonoChrome inks to purchase, setting aside the new R1800 and R2400 printers for the time being, users are faced with two choices, Small Gamut or Quad Black, under most circumstances when the photographer was using any printer other then the 2100 the Small Gamut ink set would be the first choice, this ink set produces great prints on either matt or gloss media and the user can also change the tone of the hue in the print see the image below, users with a Epson 2100 printer however would be advised to use the Lyson Quad Black ink set which is toneable when used with the Epson 2100..
Watch a movie demo detailing how easy it is to change the hue of of a MonoChrome image for printing with Small Gamut inks